The RAF Air Cadets offer a rare opportunity to enjoy free flying in the shape of Air Experience Flights (AEF). 135 Squadron does the majority of its AEF flying at RAF Benson in Oxfordshire.
All of the pilots serving with the Air Experience Flight are either current or former RAF Aircrew, most will have completed many hours flying in the full mix of service aircraft.
The purpose of AEF flying is to train you in basic flying operations. From your first flight you will be encouraged to take control of the aircraft. If you want there may also be the opportunity to experience aerobatics! Don’t worry thought its not mandatory and you may prefer just to fly the airplane around.
The aircraft that is assigned to Air Cadet AEF is the Grob Tutor, it is a single engine, twin-seated purpose made tutor aircraft. It offers great visibility and you side by side with the pilot so they can easily show you what’s going on.
The Air Cadets offers you the chance to apply for a flying scholarships. The application for this is lengthy and involves a short spell at the Officer and Aircrew selection facility at RAF Cranwell. If you have aspirations to be RAF Aircrew then this is a great experience and if successful you are allocated 12 hours of flight training with the RAF Flying Training School.
This training includes all the basic flying lessons required to obtain your Private Pilots Licence, which you can complete yourself after the flying scholarship has completed. As recognition of your achievement you are presented a set of RAF Air Cadet wings which can be worn in uniform.
All AEF flying and Pilot Scholarships are paid for by the ATC or by charity grants and there is no cost to the cadets!